Close-up of a tray in the hands of a flight attendant pouring milk into a cup of coffee

Advanced Service Training


Developing Employees


While the license-relevant skills of a cabin crew require annual checks and refresher training, there is no such obligation for service training. However, to keep up with increasing service demands, service skills not only need to be reinforced, they also need to be continuously expanded and adapted to ensure an excellent customer experience. This also includes addressing health-related stresses on flight attendants with active health management.

With our Advanced Service Training courses, we offer you – at six locations in Germany and Switzerland – a comprehensive training program for advanced technical training and maintaining the performance of your cabin crews.

Gastronomy Training

Cabin crew members are exposed to a number of challenges. To ensure five-star service, culinary expertise is of particular importance, including professional knowledge regarding wine and cheese selection – a staple of excellent onboard service. In addition to in-depth product expertise, during the advanced training, participants also gain an understanding of premium food sales as well as the price-to-performance ratio of different products.


The cabin crew gains new knowledge and individual skills for their own service work, thereby undergoing both personal and professional development. This helps ensure a sustainably positive customer experience.


  • One or two-day practical training
  • Theory lessons in modern seminar rooms
  • Practical teamwork exercises and individual tasks in our service mock-ups

Target Group

This advanced training is primarily geared toward flight attendants, but it can also be adapted for employees in other service professions.


  • Knowledge of international airlines, the hotel industry, and gastronomy
  • Product knowledge about food and drinks
  • Security in culinary service and in interacting with customers
  • Skilled handling of dishes, glasses, and flatware
  • Developing your personal hosting qualities
  • Consideration of intercultural differences
  • Wine and cheese tasting (also available for other products, such as spirits, classic drinks, seafood, caviar, and much more)
A man is eating at a table with a white tablecloth, which is covered with plates, bowls and glasses with food and drinks

Health Management

Working as a flight attendant comes with a wide array of physical and mental challenges. Onboard work, stressful situations, climate change, and traveling across time zones all take their toll on crews – both physically and mentally.

Our advanced training in health management takes a practical look at the peculiarities of the flight attendant profession in order to ensure the long-term health of your crews.


The participants learn individual methods and techniques for strengthening their mindfulness and resilience, thereby maintaining their personal health and performance.


  • One or two-day practical training
  • Theory lessons in modern seminar rooms
  • Practical teamwork exercises and individual tasks in our service mock-ups

Target Group

This advanced training is primarily geared toward flight attendants, but it can also be adapted for employees in other challenging service professions.


  • Mindfulness and relaxation techniques
  • Stress management
  • Ergonomics for working on board
  • Nutrition
Laughing cabin crew members standing in an airplane and talking

Language Training

Service on board is faced with complex challenges, particularly on international flights. Potential language barriers and cultural differences between guests demand diverse communication skills. You need to have important vocabulary and phrases at the ready, and regional and cultural characteristics need to be considered when dealing with international customers.

Our Language Training courses prepare your cabin crew members for international flights and expand or reinforce existing linguistic and intercultural skills.


Service quality on board is improved through strengthening flight attendants’ practical language skills.


  • One or two-day practical training
  • Theory lessons in modern seminar rooms
  • Practical teamwork exercises and individual tasks in our service mock-ups

Target Group

This advanced training is primarily geared toward flight attendants, but it can also be adapted for employees in other service professions.


  • Small talk and phrases for standard situations
  • Board- and service-specific vocabulary
  • Dealing with difficult situations
  • Cultural characteristics
  • Announcements
A Lufthansa employee talking to a customer


Die Anforderungen an die Kommunikationskompetenzen von Flugbegleiter:innen sind hoch und vielseitig. Von der Durchführung von klassischen Ansagen an Bord, den Umgang mit unterschiedlichsten Kulturen und Charakteren bis zur Deeskalation von kritischen Situationen müssen alle Situationen souverän bewältigt werden können.

Unsere Kommunikationstrainings erweitern und stärken die kommunikativen Fähigkeiten Ihrer Cabin Crew Member sowohl für Routineaufgaben als auch für herausfordernden Situationen an Bord und Boden. 


Die Servicequalität an Bord wird verbessert, indem die Teilnehmenden ihre Kommunikationsfähigkeiten erweitern und stärken.



  • Ein- bis zweitägiges praxisorientierte Training
  • Theoretische Wissensvermittlung in modernen Seminarräumen
  • Praktische Übungen als Teamarbeit oder individuelle Aufgaben in unseren Service Mockups


Die Weiterbildung richtet sich vornehmlich an Flugbegleiter, kann aber auch für Mitarbeiter in anderen Service-Berufen angepasst werden.
•    Ansagentraining
•    Feedback geben und empfangen
•    Wirksam kommunizieren
•    Kommunikationsstrategien
•    Umgang mit unterschiedlichen Charakteren
•    Konfliktmanagement
•    Deeskalation & Selbstschutz
•    Präsentieren & Moderieren

We would be happy to design additional practical training courses for your cabin personnel in the areas of communication and intercultural skills, sales, or business administration. Just get in touch with us to do so.

Course Finder


Use our course finder to find the right training course for your cabin crew. Would you like a more personalized training course? We would also be happy to adapt the content of your Service Training course to you and your cabin crew. We look forward to hearing from you!

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Service Conversion Training Airbus A220

Our Service Conversion Training prepares your cabin personnel for the type-specific characteristics of new aircraft.

Frankfurt, Munich, Zurich

Simulator Flight Airbus A220

Do you dream of climbing into the cockpit of an airplane and taking off? We can help you achieve this dream – with our flight simulators.

Course Details

Perfomance Based Navigation Airbus A320

Performance-Based Navigation is primarily concerned with a departure from ground-supported navigation (VOR, NBD, ILS) and to rely increasingly on the use of satellite navigation. This course teaches participants about the specific PBN areas and requirements.

Berlin, Essen, Frankfurt, Vienna, Munich, Zurich

Perfomance Based Navigation Airbus A340

Performance-Based Navigation is primarily concerned with a departure from ground-supported navigation (VOR, NBD, ILS) and to rely increasingly on the use of satellite navigation. This course teaches participants about the specific PBN areas and requirements.

Frankfurt, Munich, Zurich

Perfomance Based Navigation Airbus A380

Performance-Based Navigation is primarily concerned with a departure from ground-supported navigation (VOR, NBD, ILS) and to rely increasingly on the use of satellite navigation. This course teaches participants about the specific PBN areas and requirements.




Michael Nußer

Senior Manager Sales & Key Account Management LH Group

Are you a part of the Lufthansa Group and do you have questions about training? My team looks forward to your inquiry. To the contact form

Stefanie Moulliet

Head of Business Development & Product Management

Are you the contact person for an airline outside of the Lufthansa Group and have questions about training? My team looks forward to your inquiry. To the contact form

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